The design of our lodges is part of a global approach in which respect for nature is constantly at the forefront, from design to operation. In this way, sustainable development is an integral part of the Bleu Minuit identity and is reflected in all our decisions.

Eco-responsible and elegant lodges
The lodges are designed in total harmony with the environment, respecting and enhancing natural and cultural heritage.
Our partner Novablok has teamed up with a “Compagnon du devoir”, an elite association of French craftsmen.
The materials used are made from renewable, recyclable resources and are naturally insulated with compressed wood.
Eco-friendly products
We offer our customers recyclable hygiene products that promote local heritage and organic body products, and we use certified ecological products for laundry.
Bleu Minuit has developed a program to optimize water and energy consumption, sorting and recycling waste.
We also support soft mobility: facilities for bicycle tourism, charging stations for electric cars located a few metres from the Bleu Minuit Alsace estate.
Support for local producers
The promotion of short supply chains and local actors is at the heart of our philosophy: for the restaurant menu or even furniture, quality products, purchased directly from neighbouring producers and craftsmen.

Associative commitment
We are proud participants in the project of the “Conservatoire d’espaces naturels de Lorraine” and the “Parc naturel régional des Vosges du Nord” to acquire parcels of forest and leave them fallow in perpetuum.
To know more about this project
Les Piverts: Une association d’éducation à l’environnement qui œuvre quotidiennement pour éduquer tous les publics à la richesse et à la fragilité de son environnement, mais aussi à les initier à des changements de comportements
Utiléco: Inscrit dans un projet collectif de contribution au développement local et à l’insertion professionnelle de personnes éloignées de l’emploi, ainsi qu’à la création d’activités sur le territoire d’Alsace du Nord